Events Calendar



Seedling Raising with Le-Anne Benson
Saturday 20th from 10.30am- 12 noon
 Sourdough Bread with Emma Street
Saturday 16th July at 10.30am after the food swap


Produce swap

3rd Saturday of the month from 9:30am

Monthly meeting

1st Thursday of the month - 6pm - YCC ( YCEN) High Street, Yackandandah.

Winter Solstice Party

Sunday 19th June 2016 from 3pm. 

In the depths of winter, please come and mark the shortest day of the year amongst friends at the community garden.
There will be activities for kids early on and we will have the pizza oven firing so we can share in a warm winter meal together. This will be followed by a hearty singalong led by local musicians sure to warm the cockles of your heart.
Please bring your pizza dough and ingredients ready to cook in the outdoor oven. You may choose to bring food for you or to share with others.

RSVP to Lee-Ann Benson on 0412 106 085 or email

Please RSVP by Wednesday 18th June.


Official Garden Opening

15th March from 11am



2013 Meetings:

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month
5:00 pm


9.30 - 11.30  

Old Courthouse, William St Yackandandah.

13 July:  Design Your Own Kitchen Garden 

10 August: Composting and Worm Farming

14th September: Grafting Fruit Trees

12th October: No-Dig Gardens and Spring Planting

 9th November: Organic Pest Control


  1. Have you a list of 2014 events coming up please? Apart from the Food Swaps on every third Saturday of the month.

    1. Hello.

      We are currently working the the calendar of events for the next 12 months, so keep checking back in. Remember the Produce Swap is held at the garden on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

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