We've introduced some new signs at Yackandandah Community Garden to help identify which vegetables are ready to use.
Look for these 'Ready to Harvest' signs
to show you where veges are ready to use.
Not everything in the garden is labelled so also be on the lookout for other ripe produce that's not yet labelled. There are several patches of chives that are perennial and can be harvested almost all year and if you search hard enough you may even find some beans on the climbing bean arch.
Tomatoes are just ripening in the top of bed 1. Thanks to Yackandandah Mens Shed for the loan of this trellis to tie up the larger tomato plants.
Also keep a look out for ripe produce in unexpected places. This week I found some self sown cherry tomatoes growing between the shelter and the creek. look at those luscious ripe tomatoes.
These spring onions have been ready to use for quite a while so if you need a couple for a stirfry come down to the garden and pick some - you won't get fresher than that.
Look for them in the top tier of bed 5, just up the steps from the shelter. Some bok choi, now ready in the top of bed 1, (near the compost bins) would go well in that stirfry too.
Please remember to leave a donation when you take some produce from the garden.
You'll also see these smaller signs around the garden:
All plants need leaves to convert nutrients from the soil into food for the plant. Some of our plants are so popular that we need to give them a chance to grow a few new leaves and feed themselves before starting to pick the leaves again. Continual picking can reduce the health and vigour of plants like silver beet and could even kill them. We hope you can just hold off enjoying this produce until the 'Ready to Harvest' signs appear again.
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