Sunday, 23 July 2017

Winter in Yackandandah Community Garden

The recent cold weather has really slowed down growth at the garden this winter but after weeks of waiting we can now see broad beans emerging in bed 1

There are also some tiny pea shoots just showing in bed 2 but you'll need to search closely to see them. they really are just showing through at the moment.

Brassicas are great winter crops for cold areas like ours. The broccoli, cabbage and Caulis we planted in autumn are well grown and slowly getting closer to harvest. The broccoli have tiny buds in the centre but it will still be a few weeks before they are ready to pick.

The bower birds also like some winter greens and started eating the leaves of our brassica seedlings. You can see where they have eaten the edges of this cabbage leaf.

To protect the smaller seedlings we re-erected the bird netting over one patch in bed 6.

Happy winter gardening everyone,


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