Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Update from Lee-Anne

Hello all,

Hope you all had a great Easter break.  The weather was perfect for gardening and I noticed that Neil has been down to the garden and sown some seeds.  Thanks Neil.  There are still lots of beds in need of winter planting but the summer veg are hanging on.

Tomorrow night we'll pull out some more tomato plants, this time we'll hang them under cover so we can still pick them as they ripen.  Seems a waste to throw them out.  We need to pull most of the Amaranth as well, so if you would like some seed for your garden, come down and collect the flower heads (we'll put them on the produce table).  They are a great addition to the garden as they are colourful, add structure and they are excellent chook food when they produce seed.

Once we've tidied up some spent veg there will be more seed sowing, mainly root crops and herbs, and greens.  A small group of people can get a lot done so if you can help out, please come along.

P.S.  Did anyone pick up a thermos at the cuttings workshop in February?  If so, please let me know as one of the attendees went home without his.


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